A paddler on water

Is There a Sweet Spot Between Self-Loathing and Self-Love?

February 17, 2024

Our relationship with ourselves is complicated. As a therapist, I experience few clients that readily acknowledge the parts of themselves that they ad...

Colorful conversation heart candies with messages about love

Why Wait to Date?

February 14, 2024

This is a question that I’m asked in therapy all the time– by clients that are either in the process of a divorce, or just on the other side of it. I...

dating after divorcerelationship readiness
typewriter saying goodbye

Is it Time to Say "Goodbye"?

February 10, 2024

As a couples’ therapist, I encounter people that married for so many different reasons, including finishing school, starting a career, and figuring th...

couples therapymidlife marriage challenges
How to get it right

How Do I Get it Right the 2nd or 3rd Time Around?

December 15, 2023

Divorce can do a number on more than just your bank account; it can deplete your self-confidence, making you second guess your entire approach to rela...

second marriagedating after divorce
What causes divorce?

What Causes Divorce?

November 16, 2023

Studies show that there are 10 common reasons that couples divorce, including: 1. [Lack of Commitment](lack-of-commitment) 2. [Infidelity – Includ...

After divorce

What If I End Up Alone After My Divorce?

October 11, 2023

Studies show that there’s a noteworthy trend when it comes to mid-life and divorce. Since 1990, the rate of divorce for those over 50 years old has in...

life after divorceovercoming loneliness
Escape on narcissistic abuse

Why is It So Hard to Hit Escape on Narcissistic Abuse?

September 14, 2023

The primary reason that it’s so hard to leave a relationship with a narcissist is that the toxic abuser is very adept at creating a state of constant...

narcissistic abusetoxic relationships
Am I a Narcissist?

Am I a Narcissist?

February 15, 2022

Am I a Narcissist? It’s possible that you are in fact a narcissist, given that narcissism, like many things, exists on a spectrum, but you might not...

narcissismnarcissistic traits
Do I Have to Apologize?

Do I Have to Apologize?

February 8, 2022

Do I have to apologize? The simple response to that question is: Yes, you do have to apologize if you’ve made a relational transgression or hurt some...

apologizingconflict resolution
How can caring for someone be so hard?

How can caring for someone be so hard?

February 1, 2022

How can caring for someone be so hard? I hear this question often when I work with individuals that are struggling with caring for a loved one that h...

apologizingconflict resolution
Is it Possible to Ever be Happy After?

Is it Possible to Ever be Happy After?

January 25, 2022

Is it Possible to Ever be Happy After? In one simple word, in shouty caps, YES. It is indeed possible to be happy after divorce, but it takes time an...

life after divorceovercoming loneliness
Is My Partner a Narcissist? Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Is My Partner a Narcissist?

January 18, 2022

Is My Partner a NARCISSIST? I hear this a lot. The term narcissist is used, and sometimes misused, to describe an unbalanced relationship or a person...

narcissismnarcissistic traits
Why do I always end up in lousy relationships?

Why do I always end up in lousy relationships?

January 11, 2022

Why do I always end up in lousy relationships? When I’m asked this question, I sometimes respond with a question of my own: What has informed you tha...

Will the grief ever end?

Will the grief ever end?

January 4, 2022

Will the grief ever end? I’m often asked this when I work with a client who is in the midst of dealing with an overwhelming loss. Loss arrives in so...
